Course-Embedded Experiential Learning (CEEL)

Course-Embedded Experiential Learning (CEEL)

Course-Embedded Experiential Learning (CEEL) Program


Program objectives

Toward our mission of expanding opportunities for the Wesleyan community to engage in diverse cultural environments, the Fries Center for Global Studies is excited to announce the Course-Embedded Experiential Learning (CEEL) Program. These courses will enhance student learning in new or existing courses with experiential, on-site activities in countries around the world. By fully funding financial-aid students and fitting the travel into Spring Break, the program broadens the range of global learning opportunities for our students, including those who might not otherwise have studied abroad.

Program details

  • International or domestic study away programs embedded into an otherwise on-campus course; all travel to take place during spring break
  • Students on financial aid will have no additional cost for the study away portion of the course; students not on financial aid may be asked to pay a flat program fee
  • A partner organization (provider) will manage logistics
  • Faculty will not be paid an additional salary, but all of their travel expenses are covered


Submissions for Spring 2025 will be announced in late Fall 2023


Faculty intending to submit a proposal for a CEEL course should proceed according to the following steps, in this order:

  1. Meet with the Director of Study Abroad to discuss ideas and review the planning process and content of the proposal.
  2. Discuss the academic and programmatic aspects of the proposal with the relevant academic unit chair(s).
  3. Submit the completed proposal, along with signatures from relevant Chair(s), to Emily Gorlewski, Director, Study Abroad, by the stipulated deadline.

A complete proposal packet includes:

  • Proposal form signed by Department Chair
  • Course description (and syllabus, if available) for the proposed course
  • Current CV for the faculty leader
  • Tentative program calendar/itinerary. The calendar/itinerary should include dates or number of days in each location, including proposed field trips. The itinerary may be incorporated into the syllabus if preferred.
  • Two quotes from study abroad providers for the program costs


Financial considerations

To ensure accessibility, program costs must be kept within reason. Both faculty costs and the costs for students on financial aid will be funded. Students who do not receive financial aid may be asked to pay a flat fee. Faculty member costs will be covered by the program budget.


Academic and administrative approval


Every proposal must be formally approved by the Chair(s) of the relevant Department, Program, or College.

Existing courses may be proposed as embedded programs; in these cases, the faculty member should provide a justification for teaching the course in the chosen location.

Proposals will be reviewed by a committee composed of the Directors of Study Abroad and the Fries Center for Global Studies and the Academic Deans. Proposals will be assessed based on: proposed student learning outcomes; contribution of the course to Wesleyan’s goals for internationalization; practicality (logistical and administrative factors); risk assessment of the location and activities; and the balance of disciplines and locations among all approved proposals.


Faculty eligibility

Any faculty member may propose a course. Faculty members will be expected to have the knowledge, language proficiency, experience, and intercultural sensitivity necessary for ensuring a positive learning experience for our students.


Faculty leader responsibilities

  • Promote course and recruit students
    • Participate in any Study Abroad Fairs between approval and application deadline
    • Co-host information sessions with the Office of Study Abroad
  • Assist the Office of Study Abroad and provider organization with study away planning
  • Participate in a faculty leader orientation, consisting of meetings with Wesleyan staff members regarding the student-affairs responsibilities of faculty leaders, mental health, Title IX, financial responsibilities, and diversity and inclusion
  • Conduct a pre-departure orientation for students participating in the study away
  • Be present for the duration of the study away (or designate a host organization staff or faculty member to be present when you are not), including all course-related field trips and activities
  • Teach the course to be offered
  • Serve, along with a partner organization representative, as an emergency contact for students while away


Additional notes and guidelines

  • The pilot program is only applicable to spring-semester courses, with travel during spring break
  • Courses must have a minimum enrollment of 5 students
  • Course enrollment should be capped at 12; slight increases will be considered on a case-by-case basis
  • Faculty members’ travel expenses will be covered. Faculty members will teach the course as part of their regular load and will not receive extra compensation
  • The expenses of family or friends accompanying the faculty member are not covered. This includes minors, who must be accompanied by another adult, whose expenses will also be the responsibility of the faculty member
  • Students/participants in the course must be 18 years of age or older
Students must be eligible to take the course (have all prerequisites, etc.) and be in good academic, judicial, and financial standing to participate in the study away portion of the course